The ABCs of Life

Essays and thoughts on life as I know it.

My Photo
Location: Kauai then - now Rockaway Beach, MO, Hawaii

For twenty years I worked in Opera... first as a technician, scenic artist, costume maker, then in stage management and production, finally settling into directing as my career. I started at the Santa Fe Opera in the summer of 1971 and worked in Europe, Canada, the United States and stayed on staff at the Metropolitan Opera for 12 years. I then went back into art and design and started my own independent design and communication business. My dog and cat, birds and garden all keep me happy while I write and design.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

My Life's Truth

An Essay:

The reason we love and the purpose of our lives comes from a deep, warm, snowy place in our past...perhaps a winter cave - a safe haven. In our sunlit future, we hope for the solution to the mysterious riddle of who we are.

Now, defined by our clothes, jobs, homes, and friends, we are concerned with the opinions of others. We have only to be who we are and share what we have without pretending to have more than what is. In this way, the world could be healed. We imagine things and we fear people. We see, so dimly, the confusing world around us that we forget WE are the power to heal everything we touch and see.

The power to heal all we touch and see resides within us. Our way through our lives LOOKS like it is based on the material world, but in truth, our raft is built in the world of spirit with powerful love at our core. Is it not our dream of inner comfort, peace, and security that challenges us to manifest and build our wealth in the material world? We think that these horizontal connections to objects and places that give comfort will ensure our peace and security.

But, if a schedule is upset, a pet dies, the phones go out, or the cash flow is disrupted, do we not sit in the same chair as yesterday and wonder how we will get back to our peace and security? We become focused on what we see with our eyes, we cling to routine, we limit our power.

Yet, if we meet the day with our power to heal, if we seek those who need our hope and faith in the goodness of life, then we come across others who, like us, can transform the world. We become a team to transform the day. We have inner purpose and we create our day with real power. It is our power to heal ourselves, our lives, and to bring others out of their confusion into the light that will transform the world with a great wave of joy.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Moving Faster

Okay, I decided to search for artists that are good at illuminated letters and found a Celtic Artist on the internet. So....I laid out the entire book and made a PDF to send her and request a quote for her to do the artwork. I used the lettering she has on her website (which is rights protected) I will attach the letter A for you to see her style.

I made some edits in the post yesterday, thinking the word God might be too strong for some people. I am posting for you the text that I have written so far.

All is well in this time of the soul and all will be well on earth. There was no beginning or ending to God’s plan. As this time unfolds, God’s certainty for the good of all mankind is met with great joy by the angels and archangels, the guides and masters.

Being of one mind and many souls, God works all manner of miracles by creating a vibratory dance of goodwill, compassion, learning, and rest. There is no goal to this life process that needs to be met in order to win or lose. All you do is worth something to this highest soul/being, which is an aspect of God.

Create your life with the belief in the good, with the certainty of your power, and with the freedom of your vision. Frustration mounts when you earth your vision because there are physical steps to manifestation. But, if you have joy in your vision, your process of earthing will bring you into union with God and this will then bring God on earth. There is no other way to bring God here except through your breath, hands, voice and no other way to be in union with God save for your sight, sense, enjoyment and pleasure in this creation. So, let the frustration dissolve and take the time you really need to manifest these visions and ideas you are creating.

Do not be afraid. Power flows in measure to you as joy becomes a more normal state in your life. These words carry power as does your smile, commitment, and hope of a bright future for yourself and your fellow man.

Everything has existed before and will continue in essence for all time. Evolution brings the changes we perceive and yet what we do not see any longer still exists, but changed in form. Cloud, sky, weather shifts and continents, land masses and water are altered, yet this is still the earth with an evolving soul. This earth is manifest from her soul, much the same as you are manifest from your soul. You change with time and have an opportunity between incarnations to perfect yourself. The earth remains intact while she recreates her being. She does not rest…ever.

For now, you may rest in the certainty that you are loved beyond measure by forces of God and nature.

Great things can happen when you believe in yourself and know your inner power. Goodness exists to transform all that it encounters.

Have you ever wondered why miracles occur in your life? They occur because you can see them and feel them with your senses. You have an inner life. This life is the reality that creates your outer world. As you recognize a miracle and allow it to be your miracle, you give it the power to manifest in time and space.

I am that. I am is all there is and we are a part of I am. The void, the Atman wished to experience itself and so became the duality of the life we see here. The light and the dark, the opposites that dance with each other in harmony. Sit in the energy of the Atman to come back to the still peace, the beginning, the one. Love the Atman and the Atmic energy that is your permanency. From this place go into the duality of the world and experience life from the Atmic. You will see so many miracles and you will know joy.

Joy is an active participation with the wonder of life, with the peace and calm of your being and soul dancing together in harmony. It is the compassion you have for humanity, it is the detachment from the addictions of this world, it is moving forward in the Buddhic to your evolution as a spirit clothed in human form.

Kindness is a choice and a path at the same time. Kindness to others increases self-love. There is a sweetness that begins with an act of kindness and it will taste better than any food substance, feel better than any sexual encounter, and last longer than any material gain you can imagine.

Love is the glue and the substance of our physical existence. Love is all there is. There is no more than Love. You can experience the One by loving and being loved. You will have achieved the highest point of life by doing this task. You will be earthing God. Imagine the most loved you have ever been and then go beyond that to imagine that you have the power to create that state in every moment of you life. Love will guide your steps and create a life of miracles that will blow your mind. Love will bring the Light to you and the Light is God.

Mother earth and Father sun. The receptive and the dynamic. The old and the new. The ancient and the life giving power of all that is God. Merge with the higher in you. Go vertical and choose a ray of light from the sun. Merge with that and let it be your sword of power to transform all you encounter. Choose truth, work with your voice, live with Mother earth and transform the planet and your life, transform mankind with the sword of truth, light and love.

• A means of connection; a link or tie
• A connected series or group.
• The core or center
• A connection or link between things, persons, or events esp. that is or is part of a chain of causation
• Latin: bond, tie, from nectere to bind
In our world we are a Nexus of souls here on earth, we are a community. Some of us are more evolved, some are still living in the “Kill or be Killed” thought form. Not one creature needs to die for you to live. Yet, there are those that are willing to die until you understand that the nexus of souls can uplift humanity so that all can live in harmony.

Om. The letters of the eternal breath. The sound that allows your cells to know you are guiding them in this life. The mantra of commitment to the higher path. Om, the peace and blessing of the highest.

Power on the inner is different than power in the world. From your inner power you can create a position of power in the world. As you gather the knowledge and wisdom of your years, you will gather power to you and find a place in the world that reflects your inner truth. As you age, your inner power grows while the power you have in the world may diminish. I imagine this is so you can hand over the torch to the next generation. At that point, rely on your inner power to carry you through and survive in the outer world with your wisdom. Let your power become true inner peace. get the idea. I hope your day has been as wonderful as mine has.


Monday, August 01, 2005

The ABCs of Life ... I am writing a book with that working title and once I have the manuscript completed I will start posting it here. There are 26 parts to it…with each letter of the alphabet evoking a thought.

I bought a kit on how to illuminate letters and will start creating the art work for the book in the morning.