The ABCs of Life

Essays and thoughts on life as I know it.

My Photo
Location: Kauai then - now Rockaway Beach, MO, Hawaii

For twenty years I worked in Opera... first as a technician, scenic artist, costume maker, then in stage management and production, finally settling into directing as my career. I started at the Santa Fe Opera in the summer of 1971 and worked in Europe, Canada, the United States and stayed on staff at the Metropolitan Opera for 12 years. I then went back into art and design and started my own independent design and communication business. My dog and cat, birds and garden all keep me happy while I write and design.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Moving on into creativity

It has been more than a month since I have written news in my blog. My assignment with the Santa Fe Reporter will end on October 28th. It has been a fast-paced time working with intelligent, funny characters and I am grateful to have been part of one of the cornerstone publications of Santa Fe.

I am more energized and motivated to follow my creative direction as an artist and writer and am looking forward to my time in my own office again. My flow is a less stressful one, with lots of time for contemplation and sitting with Madison and Matisse (my dog and cat).

The fish in the koi pond will be hibernating soon and I am happy to say that more than 12 little ones that were conceived last winter, made it through in good shape.

I have made progress with my writing, while working 40 hours a week manifesting someone else's vision. I have transcribed and printed out three manuscripts. The poetry could stand complete as it is, but needs some editing and further thought. The ABCs of life is close to being finished and then needs my artwork. The most difficult is the Opera book and that is because it is based on factual events, not metaphysical realities. I am working to bring that one up to speed this fall and winter. I so look forward to putting that one together and getting it off to the publisher before bringing out the poetry and ABCs book.

I have an application to prepare for "A Room of Her Own" Foundation. It needs to be finished before April of 2006 and if I am selected I will receive a 2 year, $50,000 writing grant. I plan to use the poetry and ABCs manuscripts as my submissions.

More later as I am able to find time to post to this blog...